- Agile Principles 247
- Automation 8
- Business of DevOps 17
- Career Advice 53
- Continuous Improvement 27
- Software Delivery 149
- Code Review 16
- Coding Practices 150
- Teams & Culture 83
- Go Programming 7
- Hiring 33
- Leadership 1
- Learning 32
- Working with Me 2
- Everything Else 52
- Product Management 1
- Quality Engineering 41
- Remote Work 10
- Tech Tools 119

Async vs Sync; Utilization vs Flow
If we shift our focus to flow, we're likely to put a lot more weight on cycle times.

Is trunk-based development feasible in a monolith environment?
No, I don't think so. However, not all monoliths are created equal!
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Are feature branches bad, per se?
Trunk-Based Development is the standard everyone commercial software project should aim for.

Refactoring starts with the first step
Don't even start the mountainous refactoring task yet. Instead, start on something small you know you can do.

Incremental refactoring
All the benefits of working in small batches on a new feature also apply to refactoring.

What makes you think your tests are error-free?
Nothing. I don't have any confidence in my ability to write error-free tests.
Live pair programming on a real project
If you're curious about pair programming and want to see it in, you'll want to join Monday's livestream.

Do release notes make sense with continuous deployment?
Most likely, only some of your deployments will be worthy of an entry in the release notes. And I think that's perfectly reasonable.