Avoid merge conflicts, don't manage them
Or: why sweeping up the glass after an accident doesn't make you a responsible driver

A Look at Atlassian's April 2022 Jira Outage
What lessons can you take from this incident for your own organization?

Regular Expressions Are the Best! s/Best/Worst/
Regular Expressions. Ya love 'em or ya hate 'em. But it shouldn't be so black-or-white. Here's when they do, and don't make sense.
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How Small Batches Improve Our Code
5 ways smaller releases, pull requests, user stories, and commits can improve your code

The Dangers of Fatal Logging
log.Fatal violates the Single Responsibility Principle in insidious ways. Never use it!

Why Your Business Should Care About Small Batches
5 ways smaller software releases can impact your business

Why NPS isn't very useful: A look at the NPS of SAFe
Often criticized for its statistical silliness, I see that as the least silly part of NPS. Here I break down where I think NPS really fails, examining the recent "NPS of SAFe" article by Age of Product.

10 Methods for In-Depth Code Review
For many of us, code review is like eating broccoli: We know it's good for us, but we hate it. Here are my 10 tangible tips to improve the value of code reviews, and hopefully make them less distasteful.

How to learn DevOps
In this article, my goal is to clear up some confusion about “DevOps”, and provide some pointers for those who want to learn more.

Is remote work doomed to failure?
I predict that within 5 years, a majority of companies with optional work-from-home policy will be migrating back to an in-person workforce. But hope is not lost for those who are intentional about building a remote-first workplace.