Adventures in DevOps 173: Connecting with the DevOps Community with Rohit Ghumare
Rohit Ghumare joins me to discuss his involvement in the DevOps community in India.
Adventures in DevOps 172: The Art of Technical Proficiency & Communication with Kyler Middleton
Kyler Middleton joins me to talk about security, developer productivity, the complexities of "the cloud", and developing technical skills.

Make mistakes in public
Do some work in public if you're ever feeling slightly superior about your abilities.
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Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.

"Estimates are useful for junior teams"
"New physists need to learn about earth, wind, and fire first, then we'll teach them about the periodic table."

Pivot == Double-loop learning
So any time you see a company pivot, it's an example of double-loop learning happening.
Adventures in DevOps 146: Key Takeaways From Conferences
We discuss our experiences and tips to get the most out of your next tech conference.

Here we go Loop de Loop
Are you familiar with the concept of double-loop learning? It's a powerful one.

Why I blog
I'm on a mission to stop wasting developer talent with broken processes. Blogging about ways to improve processes is one way I'm trying to achieve that mission.

Sometimes the answer isn't within you
Some prominent Agile Coaches say that coaches should not be involved in teaching. Bullshit.