Teams & Culture —3 min read
Async vs Sync; Utilization vs Flow

If we shift our focus to flow, we're likely to put a lot more weight on cycle times.

Teams & Culture —3 min read
"Sync or Async code review are both fine"

Are they? Really?

Teams & Culture —2 min read
I have a confession to make

I messed up. I'll try do do better.

Agile Principles —1 min read
When did you last throw away unmerged work?

The last time you deleted or closed some unfinished work, what lead to that situation?

Agile Principles —2 min read
"Wasted" effort

No amount of design is sufficient without exposing the feature to real life users.

Agile Principles —1 min read
How do you keep Devs, QAs and Testers constantly busy?

I understand where this question comes from. But it's the wrong question.

Agile Principles —1 min read
The 2024 State of DevOps Surve is open

Be represented in the upcoming State of DevOps report

Agile Principles —2 min read
Ask 10 people, get 15 answers

Ask 10 people what "Agile" or "DevOps" means, and you'll get 15 answers. The terms have essentially become meaningless.

Agile Principles —1 min read
The struggles of building the right thing

Surprises about what to build are the rule, not the exception.

Agile Principles —1 min read
My preferred "Agile framework" for a new team

Work closely with the users of the software, and establish tight feedback loops. No framework necessary.

Agile Principles —40 min listen
Writing Go and doin' DevOps on Backend Banter

Listen as I discuss Go, DevOps, and more, with Lane Wagner on the Backend Banter podcast.