Software Delivery —3 min read
Is trunk-based development feasible in a monolith environment?

No, I don't think so. However, not all monoliths are created equal!

Software Delivery —3 min read
Refactoring starts with the first step

Don't even start the mountainous refactoring task yet. Instead, start on something small you know you can do.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Incremental refactoring

All the benefits of working in small batches on a new feature also apply to refactoring.

Software Delivery —3 min read
Do release notes make sense with continuous deployment?

Most likely, only some of your deployments will be worthy of an entry in the release notes. And I think that's perfectly reasonable.

Tech Tools —2 min read
Dismiss stale pull requests when new commits are pushed

Can disabling this feature be a small win for your team?

Software Delivery —2 min read
Feature flags aren't about continuos deployment

Although they do easily overcome a common objection.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Version numbers are free

There is literally an unlimited number of version numbers. Don't be stingy.

Software Delivery —3 min read
Should we feel bad if we don't deploy on Friday afternoon?

Everytime we decide when to deploy, we're making a business decision. And few business decisions are black-or-white.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Are friday deployments "risky"?

It's only risky if your system is unreliable.

Software Delivery —2 min read
What did we change?

What changed in the last month to give us the confidence to deploy at 5pm on a Friday?

Software Delivery —2 min read
Your low standards don't represent an engineering failure on my part

What is it that makes you uncomfortable deploying at 5pm on a Friday? Let's talk about that.