Invest in flexibility
Sometimes a decision must be made without the necessary information. Deferring commitment is not possible, and some decisions aren't easily reversable. This is where the third option of investing in flexibility comes in.
Make reversable decisions
Frequently we're faced with a decision where blindly following the principle of decide as late as possible might make our lives more painful. Sometimes we can make a choice that's easy to unmake.
Defer commitment
This Lean software development principle of "decide as late as possible" is often criticized as too limiting. And rightly so, to a degree.
Real options
Every day we're faced with the option, but not the obligation, to do something. This is one of the concepts behind the concept of "deferring commitment" in Lean software development.
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Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.
Can you work from an airplane?
If every engineer on your team cannot do _meaningful_ work from an airplane, your development environment is broken.
Planning vs short feedback loops
In the debate between planned architecture and short iterations, whose right? Both are right, of course.
How do you change your culture to accept DevOps?
Doing DevOpsy things begins to transform your culture for you.
Platform engineering FTW
With a platform-team, there's no confusion over the question of specialization, as it's clear who does dev work and who does ops work.
DevOps doesn't mean you can't specialize
DevOps doesn't mean everyone on the team has to behave like clones.
"DevOps" can mean anything
The "DevOps team" and "DevOps Engineer" titles are too ambiguous to be meaningful.
No, you're not doing DevOps
My critique of the article "Yes, You're Doing DevOps". Spoiler alert: No, you're not doing DevOps (according to the reasons in the article).