Teams & Culture —1 min read
Reader question: Should we have a bugfix team?

Fellow reader Anita Kalmane asked: “What’s your opinion on having a separate team who is fixing bugs?” I want to share my response, slightly edited for brevity: I think it’s a terrible idea, except maybe as a VERY short term measure in an emergency. The three biggest reasons: It teaches the team producing bugs that “bug fixing is someone else’s problem.” It has the bugfix team working without proper context. Usually companies that do this put the “least skilled” (however they determine that) people on the maintenence/bugfix team.

Agile Principles —1 min read
DevOps is just cooperation

Any time you hear the word "DevOps" in a sentence, phrase, or title, replace it with the word "Cooperation" and see if it still makes sense.

Agile Principles —1 min read
Agile space travel

If agile works for SpaceX, surely it can work for whatever big, complicated project you're on.