Agile Principles —2 min read
I'm not a fan of sprints

Not all worthy goals take the same amount of time to accomplish.

Software Delivery —63 min listen
Talking Continuous Delivery on The Agile Embedded podcast

I join the Agile Embedded podcast to discuss continuous delivery, and how to implement it in reverse.

Tech Tools —30 min listen
Adventures in DevOps 152: The Benefits and Drawbacks of gRPC and REST

Will and I talk about the difference between gRPC and REST.

Learning —1 min read

Discipline is taking care of your future self over your current self.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Fear leads to suffering

I've seen many teams paralized by fear when it comes to improving their software delivery practices.

Continuous Improvement —1 min read
It's retro day!

If you find that you can improve the way you're working, don't wait.

Career Advice —1 min read
It's not my job to write documentation

Software developers only write code. Or do they?

Tech Tools —47 min listen
Adventures in DevOps 151: Serverless in Production With Erez Berkner

Lessons Learned From Running Serverless In Production For 5 Years

Business of DevOps —1 min read
Chess agencies

Would you hire someone to learn to play chess for you?

Quality Engineering —1 min read
Should testing be a separate user story?

It's like mixing the eggs and mixing the flour as different parts of a cake recipe.

Tech Tools —2 min read
Word Salad

ChatGPT isn't a genius. In fact, it's mostly full of sh*t. And it's easy to prove.