There's always room for improvement
Even in a static environment, improvement may slow down, but it doesn't have an upper bound.

What do I think about BizDevOps?
Yesterday I was asked my thoughts on BizDevOps. Here are my three thoughts on the topic.

How Scrum and DevOps go hand-in-hand
From the beginning, Scrum had the goal of enabling adoption of better technical practices. DevOps helps fill that gap!

How to run a worthless daily standup
Want to run a worthless daily? Invite 31 people. Ignore obstacles. Provide no accountability or feedback. Offer no focus. Don't promote team building or learning. Encourage people to zone out. And other great tips inside!
Tiny DevOps episode #9 Miriam Tocino — Using stories for technical communication
Miriam Tocino is a children's book author and illustrator who focuses on teaching children a passion for technology. In this episode, we create a story together of the characters Zerus and Ona, as they explore how a voice message is sent through the cloud, to a friend.

How can I convince my boss to let me learn a shiny new technology?
Introducing a new technology usually means taking on new risk, so find some value that your new learning will provide to your boss.

Don't be a rock star
The existence of a "rock star" engineer is a strong indicator of organizational dysfunction.
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.sh: The poor man's Infrastructure-as-Code
IaC can be complex, but it doesn't need to be. Start small. Start with the tools you know today.

People are naturally great
For the vast majority of roles, hiring the "best" is simply a waste of recruitment time and effort.

True innovation requires colocation … or does it?
There are valid reasons to work together in an office, but don't let this myth be one you use.

They don't pay you to type
I'm a very fast typist. But that has no bearing on my ability to solve problems with code.