Tech Tools —2 min read
Why do we hold on to our old ways of working?

Technology comes and goes. Why do we still use GitFlow, but not Windows Mobile? Why did we stop using 5.25" floppies, but never fully adopted static analysis?

Everything Else —2 min read
Why I blog

I'm on a mission to stop wasting developer talent with broken processes. Blogging about ways to improve processes is one way I'm trying to achieve that mission.

Everything Else —3 min read
6 ways to make money blogging

From ad revenue and sponsorships, to writing for hire, or landing a better job.

Career Advice —3 min read
How my blog helped me earn $250,000+

I know of no better way to leave a positive impression, earlier in the candidate search process, than simply having a blog.

Tech Tools —1 min read
Thomas Thwaites' toaster

How many of our IT solve a problem that's already solved, to not actually work anyway?

Agile Principles —1 min read
A framework that's so easy to get wrong, must be bad, right?

If we reject everything that's easily "done wrong", what's left?

Tech Tools —62 min listen
Adventures in DevOps 144: Organizing Data Workflows With Prefect

Anna Geller of Prefect joins us to explain how to orchestrate anything with Prefect.

Hiring —3 min read
Pretzel-shaped developers

You can't be an expert in 10 things any more than you can have 10 highest priorities.

Learning —2 min read
Sometimes the answer isn't within you

Some prominent Agile Coaches say that coaches should not be involved in teaching. Bullshit.

Coding Practices —2 min read
Make the change safe, then make the safe change

What can you do when no change would be safe to make? First, make the change safe.

Coding Practices —2 min read
Absolute confidence

What change can you make that is as safe as adding or removing a code comment?