Team rules
Is your team closer to the few-rules/high-context, or the many-rules/low-context end of the spectrum?
Adventures in DevOps 147: Open-Source Software & Its Maintainability
How open-source software is used in enterprises, the functions it serves, and trade-offs it brings.

Launch before you're ready
What learning are you missing out on by waiting until your product or feature is more perfect?
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Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.

How to boost productivity without boosting headcount
We need to clear this traffic jam, so lets put more cars on the road...

Why do you want to grow so fast?
There are many good reasons for a company to grow, but there are probably more bad reasons.

Pivot == Double-loop learning
So any time you see a company pivot, it's an example of double-loop learning happening.
Adventures in DevOps 146: Key Takeaways From Conferences
We discuss our experiences and tips to get the most out of your next tech conference.

Here we go Loop de Loop
Are you familiar with the concept of double-loop learning? It's a powerful one.

An SLA is a business metric, not a technical one
Is a 99.999% SLA unrealistic? Does it actually matter?