Teams & Culture —2 min read
The two most common DevOps anti-patterns

"DevOps" is so often misunderstood, many companies who think they're doing DevOps are actually doing one of these anti-patterns.

Teams & Culture —2 min read
Politics are expected

Unless literally work alone, you will experience workplace politics. The question is: is it abusive?

Teams & Culture —2 min read
What does it take to affect change?

Change is hard. We're more receptive to change when we're facing crisis. How can you change to face a crisis effectively?

Teams & Culture —3 min read
Reader Response to "Can you work from an airplane?"

If your application relies on serverless functions, often there's limited opportunity for "from an airplane" work.

Teams & Culture —1 min read
How do you change your culture to accept DevOps?

Doing DevOpsy things begins to transform your culture for you.

Quality Engineering —2 min read
That one time I fired our QA team

I got a few complaints from developers who didn't enjoy splitting focus between dev and testing, but they admited it was better than before.

Teams & Culture —2 min read
The only thing we have to fear...

“In short, for highly-evolved firms, culture is no longer a barrier. This is ultimately why they're highly evolved.”

Teams & Culture —2 min read
What is your inverse bus factor?

How many of your team members do you need to lose before your team can become productive?

Teams & Culture —1 min read
What is your bus factor?

How many of your team members could you suddenly lose without jeopardizing your project?

Learning —1 min read
There's always room for improvement

Even in a static environment, improvement may slow down, but it doesn't have an upper bound.

Teams & Culture —37 min episode
Tiny DevOps episode #9 Miriam Tocino — Using stories for technical communication

Miriam Tocino is a children's book author and illustrator who focuses on teaching children a passion for technology. In this episode, we create a story together of the characters Zerus and Ona, as they explore how a voice message is sent through the cloud, to a friend.