"Transparency" is so opaque
What does "transparency" even mean? What decisions could you make differently if you had it?
Who owns the release?
With different teams responsible for development and release, we often end up with silos.
How do you get people to see the light?
Imagine a world where it was easy to convince everyone that your new insight was great. We'd never get anything done.
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Adventures in DevOps 121: Reducing On-Call Engineer Burnout with a Volunteer Management InfrastructureDave Mangot
Brian Scanlan explains how Intercom increases efficiency of on-call engineers and reduces the disruptive nature of the job.
Give your teams a private Slack channel
Why I prefer every team has their own public and private Slack channel.
Adventures in DevOps 117: Anti-Patterns in DevOps
We discuss various anti-patterns in software engineering, including password management, team structures, mean time to recover, and more.
Don't get trapped in the fire esacpe
A risk I never imagined, and one I certainly never face when I work from home.
Finding a vision
A direction is important for every team, and if not provided with one, the team will invent their own.
Adventures in DevOps 110: Building and Organizing DevOps Teams
The panel breaks down the process of building a "DevOps team".