Team rules
Is your team closer to the few-rules/high-context, or the many-rules/low-context end of the spectrum?
What to do when you disagree with management
The four options when required to do something you don't believe in.
Adventures in DevOps 139: How To Get My Way
We tackle different strategies for communicating ideas and “How to get your way”.
Your ball team doesn't do 360 reviews
If your team is surprised by their 360 review, this should be seen as a big problem.
Bloated headcount isn't just a Big Tech problem
Musk thought Twitter was bloated with engineers. I expect he's right, because most companies are.
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Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.
I don't want to know whose fault it is
"Don't you want to know who caused the failure?" No. No, I don't.
What can big companies learn from small ones?
I answer what big companies can learn from small ones, and other DevOps questions in this interview.
No running!
By calling iterations "Sprints", Scrum implies a need for constant running. Don't be fooled.