Tiny DevOps episode #2 John Goerzen — IT lessons from the aviation industry
In this episode of Tiny DevOps, guest John Goerzen applies his experience as an amateur pilot to IT risk management.
Book recommendation: Team Topologies
I read most of "Team Topologies" on a flight to Madrid, and was able to immediately begin to put it to use.
Three ways to manage dependencies
I share my thoughts on three types of dependencies and on how they are managed differently.
Cross-functional teams aren't the only valid option
If you depend on another team but they are not a bottleneck, you gain nothing by embedding them in your team.
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Think of bugs as work you forgot to do
Every bug represents a feature that someone forgot to complete.
Tiny DevOps TRAILER episode: Jonathan Hall — Introducing the Tiny DevOps Guy
In this miniature episode, I talk with... myself about the reason this podcast exists.
The Jonathan Test: 12 Steps to Better DevOps
20 years after the original, this is my take on an updated "Joel Test"
The U-Shaped Cell
The Toyota Production System's U-Shaped Cell is a favorite DevOps analogy: Put all the tools within reach of a single developer.
Is the Agile Manifesto wrong?
Has the pandemic proven the Agile principle of face-to-face conversation to be obsolete?
Agile isn't a religion
Agile isn't a religion. The Manifesto isn't scripture. Let's not treat them as such.
Minimum viable agility
Don't waste time re-inventing the agile wheel for every new team. Choose a minimum viable agility.