Tiny DevOps episode #8 Amando Abreu — Automatic rollback & other listener questions
In this Q&A episode, guest co-host Amando Abreu and I answer listener questions about automatic rollback, how to prepare for an interview, and the meaning of life.
Taylorism is dead. Long live Taylorism!
Taylorism has gotten a lot of flack for being inhumane at worst, and ineffective at best. But DevOps is about applying Taylorism to computer systems.
"Agile" isn't the goal
It's easy to find examples of of books and conferences dedicated to "Agile." But Agile has never been the goal.
The misunderstood MVP
Many people are confused by the concept of an "MVP". If you wait until your product is lovable, or even complete, you've wasted time you could have been learning.
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The most important "agile" principle
Without a culture of learning, any agile framework, process, or workflow will stagnate and ultimately fail.
Why do you estimate?
Estimates or no estimates? Unless or until you know why you want an estimate, even a "perfect" estimate is wasted.
The proper way to arrange cutlery
How I learned to stop caring about the orderly arrangement of my cutlery rack.
What problem are you trying to solve?
I hear people ask seemlingy good questions, but they often miss a fundamental part: What problem are you trying to solve?
Things that don't scale well
Some things that don't scale well: Databases. Dev teams. Monoliths. Microservices.
Diseconomies of Scale
We've all heard of economies of scale. Some things have diseconomies of scale.