TDD only makes sense if you already know the outcome... or does it?
If you don't know what your code should be doing, you have no business writing any code anyway!
How Small Batches Improve Our Code
5 ways smaller releases, pull requests, user stories, and commits can improve your code
Work from the bottom up
When copying a test, make your changes from the bottom up, renaming the copied function as the last step.
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TDD ≠ Unit Tests
The unit of test in TDD is a behavior. That may correspond to a "unit." It often does not.
The importance of seeing red
My lazy brain sometimes tries to take TDD shortcuts. This always bites me in the rear end.
How to get better at story slicing
How do you avoid days-long pull requests? How do you make your changes smaller?
When is 95% test coverage worse than 5%
Test coverage for its own sake is dangerous. It leads to foolish technical choices.
20% of the code is executed 80% of the time
If code offers business value, it's worth ensuring correctness with tests. If it's not worth doing correctly, just delete it.