The Technologist Podcast #4: Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Go
Coach Denis interviews me about my mission to bring enterprise-class software delivery to small teams with small budgets.
Tiny DevOps episode #43 Jason Adam — A conversation about trunk-based development
Jason Adam is a software developer with a non-traditional background in biology, business development, and data analytics. Now he's active as a developer, and on the lookout for proven practices he can introduce to his team. On this episode we talk about Trunk-Based Development, and the related topics of continuous integration and deployment, infrastruture as code, and much more.
Merge SOMETHING every day
Even with long-running feature branches, you can merge something daily. A bug fix, refactor, or utility function.
Subscribe to the Daily Commit
Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.
Commit daily
Commit your work daily, even if it's a WIP. Push it to the server. Open a pull request. Don't be afraid of sharing your incomplete work.
The blury line between Trunk-Based Development and Continuous Integration
If you practice TBD with days-long branches, is it still TBD? I don't know. But it's certainly not continuous integration.
Adventures in DevOps 120: DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) Metrics with Dave Mangot
Dave Mangot joins Adventures in DevOps to share how he leverages DORA metrics to improve technology organizations.
New hires means more overhead
Lines of communication go up as team size increases, but that's not all. Consider merge conflicts.
Adventures in DevOps 118: Elements to Make an App DevOps Ready
We discuss the preliminary steps to consider when creating a new app.
If it hurts, do it more
We natrually postpone painful experiences, but if we do them more often we're incentivized to reduce the pain.