Think of bugs as work you forgot to do
Every bug represents a feature that someone forgot to complete.
Tiny DevOps TRAILER episode: Jonathan Hall — Introducing the Tiny DevOps Guy
In this miniature episode, I talk with... myself about the reason this podcast exists.

"Process" isn't a dirty word
"Process" gets a bad rap these days. Claiming you don't have a process is like claiming you don't breathe.
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An Agile Serenity Prayer
"Grant me strength to accept changes a week before a release" — But why aren't we using Continuous Delivery?

How IT People See System Administrators
Apparently everyone hates sys admins. It's the kernel of truth in this meme that lead to the DevOps movement.

Landing a job is a numbers game, so don't take rejection personally
Most job applicants are rejected, including many good ones. Stick in there.

My job red flags
This is my list of red flags when applying for jobs to serve as food for thought when creating your own list.

Reader question: "What do you do for interview prep?"
Most important: Ask anything that could help answer the question "Do I want to work here?"

Work from a café
Cabin fever? Craving human interaction, but the office isn't open? Work from a café.

Real "senior devs" don't fix bugs in production
A good developer will reproduce a bug in a test environment, fix it there, then deploy to production.