How does QA fit into DevOps?
The traditional Dev/QA dichotomy is analogous to the Dev/Ops dichotomy DevOps aims to solve. The same solution can work for both.

Do you talk to your users?
Talking to users isn't the job of a user researcher. It's your job as a developer, product owner, UX designer, or any other product contributor.

What can we learn from the Facebook outage?
Facebook has revealed the cause of their 6-hour outage: human error. I hope those pesky humans learned their lesson! Or is there more to it?

What's the least we can do?
When you can't scale down a large feature, think of it the other way around: How could you deliver this by tomorrow?

A simple solution to the confusion between "testing" and "checking"
The distinction some make between "testing" and "checking" is valuable. But the terminology is not. We can do better (with practically no effort).

Reader question: What kind of role should I look for when starting a career in DevOps?
“Is it a good idea to look for specifically DevOps roles, or other positions like sys admin, engineer, etc?”
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Are developers blinded by their optimism?
"Developers are optimistic, testers are pessimistic." I don't buy it.

The distinction between "testing" and "checking"
"Testing" and "checking" are two different types of activities. They deserve a distinction.

What is the difference between deploy and release?
Just as software delivery can be separated from deployment, feature deployment can be separated from release.