Everything Else —26 min watch
PyCon AU presentation: The Butterfly Effect

I relate the story of a single bit gone wrong back in 2006, which launched my career on a new trajectory of root-cause analysis, continuous improvement, and DevOps.

Career Advice —7 min read
How to learn DevOps

In this article, my goal is to clear up some confusion about “DevOps”, and provide some pointers for those who want to learn more.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Make reversable decisions

Frequently we're faced with a decision where blindly following the principle of decide as late as possible might make our lives more painful. Sometimes we can make a choice that's easy to unmake.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Defer commitment

This Lean software development principle of "decide as late as possible" is often criticized as too limiting. And rightly so, to a degree.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Real options

Every day we're faced with the option, but not the obligation, to do something. This is one of the concepts behind the concept of "deferring commitment" in Lean software development.

Teams & Culture —3 min read
Reader Response to "Can you work from an airplane?"

If your application relies on serverless functions, often there's limited opportunity for "from an airplane" work.

Software Delivery —1 min read
Do less rework

By working in smaller iterations, we don't just re-organize our work, we actually reduce the amount of work we do.

Agile Principles —3 min read
Can you work from an airplane?

If every engineer on your team cannot do _meaningful_ work from an airplane, your development environment is broken.

Software Delivery —3 min read
Different models of CI/CD

There's almost always more than one way to do something. What workflow does your team use for CI/CD?

Agile Principles —2 min read
Planning vs short feedback loops

In the debate between planned architecture and short iterations, whose right? Both are right, of course.

Quality Engineering —1 min read
Build quality in

Is QA a separate stage in your software development pipeline? This is a "smell", an indicator of deeper problems.