When is a pull request too big?
Smaller pull requests are faster to write and easier to review. Here are 4 tests to see if your PR might be too big.
Tiny DevOps episode #19 J. B. Rainsberger — Mastering Evolutionary Design, Part 1
J. B. Rainsberger joins me to talk about evolutionary design, and the barriers that keep many people from experiencing its benefits.

The one code review method to rule them all
Find the method that works for you, and don't let anyone guilt you into thinking your way is "wrong".
Adventures In DevOps 093: Deconstructing the Minimum Viable Continuous Deployment
The panel jumps in and discusses the Minimum Viable Continuous Deployment from the manifesto on the web and discuss where they agree and disagree with the requirements listed there and clarify some of the ideas in the document.
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Readability vs performance
Are there times when performance is more important than readability? Yes. Should that be your starting point? Absolutely not!

Readability is paramount
What value is short, clever code that nobody understands? Readability should usually be the first priority in any technical artifact you write.
Tiny DevOps episode #18 Steve Pereira — The value of value flow mapping
Steve Pereira describes the concept of value stream mapping, and how it, and related techniques, can be used to improve the flow of practically any process from product ideation to delivery and customer experience. Steve is the founder of Visible, and is obsessed with making tech human, and leveraging it to deliver continuous value.

Engineering is like high school
After we find land a first job we learn that correct answers often often technically inferior solutions, answers, or proposals win the day. Why?