Tech Tools —2 min read
Kubernetes is the future of DevOps... or is it?

I love Kubernetes, but claiming it's the future of DevOps is a category error.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Should you build an MVP?

Do you need an MVP? Do you need to validate your product idea? Do you need to learn about your customers?

Agile Principles —18 min listen
Adventures In DevOps 097: Does Scrum belong in DevOps?

Will and Jonathan have a conversation about whether or not you can use Scrum with DevOps.

Quality Engineering —3 min read
What to do with broken tests

What should you do with broken tests on an old project? Delete them. Probably.

Tech Tools —26 min episode
Tiny DevOps episode #22 Andy Suderman — Where To Host Your Kubernetes

Andy Suderman of Fairwinds joins me to talk about the pros and cons of each of the big three cloud providers, and helps point new Kubernetes adoptors to the optimal provider for their needs.

Career Advice —3 min read
Should you speak at meetups or conferences?

We often hear the advice to do public speaking to boost our engineering career. Is that really helpful?

Everything Else —2 min read
Break glass in case of emergency

Should you block "bad" behaviors, or allow them in case of emergency? Why not both?

Agile Principles —2 min read
Does Scrum make sense for a "DevOps Team"?

Scrum is about progressing toward the sprint goal. If you don't have a reasonable sprint goal because you're interrupt driven, maybe Scrum isn't right for you.

Career Advice —50 min listen
Adventures In DevOps 096: What Certificates Should I Get?

The Adventures in DevOps crew discuss the various certificates that exist and which ones you may or may not want to consider getting.

Everything Else —2 min read
XY Problems in User Stories

XY problems are everywhere. Even hidden in plain sight in many user stories.

Software Delivery —34 min episode
Tiny DevOps episode #21 Bryan Finster — Minimum Viable Continuous Delivery

Bryan Finster is a co-creator of Minimum Viable Continuous Delivery, and in this episode we talk about how this concept was born, what problems it aims to address, and how you can use it on your team to improve your continuous delivery.