Go Code Roast
In this video, I roast some Go code! That is, I review it as if it were submitted as part of a job application screening. I talk about what I like, what I don't like, and how I would do things differently.

Hiring, Fast and Slow
Hiring screening optimizes for fast thinking, but IT success depends on slow thinking.

How can I eliminate technical debt?
You can't eliminate technical debt. Nor should you want to. But where does that leaev us?
Adventures In DevOps 095: Dev vs DevOps: Which Will You Choose?
Jillian, Jonathan, Will, and Chuck discuss where the line is between Development and DevOps and what the difference is. They also get into the value of each and when crossover is likely to occur.
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Tiny DevOps episode #20 J. B. Rainsberger — Mastering Evolutionary Design, Part 2
J. B. Rainsberger offers practical advice on how to "get over the hump" of evolutionary design, and really, how to learn any new skill.

10 Methods for In-Depth Code Review
For many of us, code review is like eating broccoli: We know it's good for us, but we hate it. Here are my 10 tangible tips to improve the value of code reviews, and hopefully make them less distasteful.
The thing with agilists and deadlines
The thing with agilists is they don't understand that sometimes we have deadlines.
Adventures In DevOps 094: Starting DevOps at Work
The panel puts their heads together to talk about how to bring DevOps practices into a work situation based where they're not implemented. They discuss the various pro's and con's of specific practices and how to get people on board with adoption.