Git merge disaster story from a reader
"Everyone merged their massive branches at the end of the project, leading to massive merge conflicts"
Adventures in DevOps 118: Elements to Make an App DevOps Ready
We discuss the preliminary steps to consider when creating a new app.

Effectiveness vs Efficiency
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Air bags vs statistics
An airbag broke my arm. BDUF would have saved time. Test-first wasted effort. Should abandon these?

Does NoEstimates mean NoPlan?
#NoEstimates isn't about not planning. It's about finding smarter ways to plan.

If it hurts, do it more
We natrually postpone painful experiences, but if we do them more often we're incentivized to reduce the pain.
Adventures in DevOps 117: Anti-Patterns in DevOps
We discuss various anti-patterns in software engineering, including password management, team structures, mean time to recover, and more.

Should we do a "Tech Debt Week"?
6 reasons a "Tech Debt Week" is probably a bad idea, and one time it might be a good idea.