Tech Tools —52 min listen
Adventures in DevOps 134: Serverless Platforms and WASM with Connor Hicks

How WebAssembly works, running it on edge networks, security, performand, and much more.

Agile Principles —2 min read
What's the story?

As a user I want access to the database so that I can access the database.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Junk drawer

Homes have junk drawers. Code has junk drawers. But they aren't the same.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Isn't it wasteful to build after every commit?

Continuous delivery provides some very cheap insurance.

Agile Principles —1 min read
Enjoy your weekends

How often is your weekend interrupted by unexpected work?

Software Delivery —2 min read
Stop starting and start finishing

Today I installed the door on some furniture I built a year ago. Reminds me of many user stories.

Tech Tools —73 min listen
Adventures in DevOps 133: Helm for Kubernetes with Matt Butcher

Aviad Mor talks about Lumigo's serverless intelligence platform.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Make the problems painful

Avoiding pain often prevents us from improving something important.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Which comes first? Manual testing or continuous delivery?

Does not feeling "ready" for CD mean that manual testing is a good alternative? Not really.

Tech Tools —45 min episode
Tiny DevOps episode #44 Tod Hansmann — Observability as an engineering enabler

Problem solver Tod Hansmann of Catalyst joins me to discuss "observability": What it is, why it means different things to different people, and how to get started if it's new for you.

Software Delivery —1 min read
Thoughts on merging

I often merge incomplete PRs.