to the rescue
Based on my customer service experience, is truly agile. Not necissarily "Agile", but agile.
The uncertainty of software development bites again
A task I expected would take an hour has taken 10, with no end in sight.
Not every product or change needs a sprint demo
Demos are far from the only way to receive timely feedback.
The mechanics of test-driven development
Red-Green-Refactor may describe the mechanics of TDD, but not its essence.
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Tiny DevOps episode #47 Paul Cothenet — Observations on observability
Paul Cothenet of joins me this time to discuss war stories implementing observabillity at two small startups.
Adventures in DevOps 137: Learning With Tech
Jillian and I discuss how we like to learn new things, and keep up to speed in the fast-paced world of DevOps.