Adventures in DevOps 166: DevOps: Everything You Need to Know with Mirco Hering
Mirco Hering tells you everything you need to know about DevOps.
I'm all three kinds...
Are you part of the nominal masses, a zealot, or a silent doer? I'll confess: I'm all three.
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Adventures in DevOps 165: DevOps and NeuronSphere with Brian Greene
Medical devices from a developer's perspective, and much more.
Adventures in DevOps 164: AWS vs GCP
Will Button explains why he's a recent convert to GCP, and where AWS still has the advantage.
That won't work here, we're different
What thing would you like to see work for you, but simply won't "because you're different"?
Don't try fix everything at once
Most teams have many problems that could be fixed. But not all should be fixed. At leat not yet.