Avoid merge conflicts, don't manage them
Or: why sweeping up the glass after an accident doesn't make you a responsible driver
Don't wait until it's ready to merge
Merging complete features leads to conflicts. Conflicts lead to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Missing the point
Let's say we agree about the benefits of PRs, what would need to change to get those benefits some other way?
What would it take to eliminate PRs on your team?
Why don't you trust your software deliver process?
How will continuous delivery benefit me?
I don't know how much continuous delivery will help you. It depends on your starting point. But it never hurts.
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Adventures in DevOps 166: DevOps: Everything You Need to Know with Mirco Hering
Mirco Hering tells you everything you need to know about DevOps.
Adventures in DevOps 165: DevOps and NeuronSphere with Brian Greene
Medical devices from a developer's perspective, and much more.
Don't try fix everything at once
Most teams have many problems that could be fixed. But not all should be fixed. At leat not yet.
What shape is your automation?
A mistake I see many people and teams make is that of assuming that an automated task will look like the manual task, only automatic.