Agile Principles —2 min read
The importance of seeing red

My lazy brain sometimes tries to take TDD shortcuts. This always bites me in the rear end.

Agile Principles —3 min read
Why is organizational transformation so hard?

Most corporate leadership doesn't actually want an agile transformation. What they want is lip service to agile transformation.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Agile houses

We often contrast software to physical buildings--the idea that software is easy to change, whereas buildings are difficult to change. But is this really true?

Agile Principles —1 min read
Pick a methodology: Scrum, Kanban, XP, Lean or DevOps?

None of these items directly replaces or conflicts with any of the others. In fact, you can use them all simultaneously.

Agile Principles —1 min read
What's the officially correct time to mark a user story "complete"?

User stories exist to serve you, not the other way around.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Why I don't like Jira

I believe Jira is responsible for more lost human productivity than any other software ever created. And yes, that's even when considering Windows Me!

Agile Principles —1 min read
What makes an agile tool "good"?

The best tools offer two things: They make useful things easier, and unuseful things harder.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Can a "feature factory" be "Agile"?

You may achieve technical excellence, but without a holistic agile approach, you may just be shipping technically excellent, but worthless features.

Agile Principles —51 min episode
Tiny DevOps episode #28 Amando Abreu — Defining Confusing Terms

Amando Abreu joins me again, this time to discuss definitions of many of the confusing terms that abound in the industry of software development, Agile, and DevOps.

Agile Principles —3 min read
How would you improve velocity on a team you're working with?

The first thing I would do is stop measuring velocity.

Agile Principles —73 min listen
Adventures In DevOps 100: DevOps 100

Jillian, Jonathan, Shimon, Will, and Chuck discuss the history of the show, their favorite episodes, and what they think is coming in 2022.