Tiny DevOps
Solving big problems with small teams
Host Jonathan Hall invites guests to talk about the pains, joys, and how-tos of DevOps on small teams.
Interested in guesting on Tiny DevOps? I'd love to hear from you! See my guest topic guidelines, then send me an email!
You don't need 1,000 engineers to deliver great software.
Tiny DevOps episode #17 Daniel Bartholomae — Borrow My Brain: Integrating Dev and QA
In this episode, Daniel Bartholomae, CTO of Optilyz, "borrows my brain" for a consultatative discussion about how to improve the integration of QA in a growing startup with just two dev teams.
Tiny DevOps BONUS episode: The scariest technical screening you've ever seen!
In this short, Halloween bonus episode, I talk about a very scary technical screening process I learned about just a couple of days ago. I explain why the screening process is scary from the perspective of both the candidate, and the hiring manager.
Tiny DevOps episode #16 Lukas Vermeer — Can small companies do effective A/B testing?
In this episode I speak with Lukas Vermeer, former head of experimentation at Booking.com, and currently working with Vista. He answers the question of whether A/B testing makes sense in small companies and startups, and with small numbers of customers. We also discuss the broader topic of experimentation in general, and applying the scientific method to business development.
Tiny DevOps episode #15 Jonathan Hall — Scrum Isn't Enough
When Scrum was formulated, it was seen as a “wrapper” for more technical agile practices, such as Extreme Programming. A conscious choice was made to focus on the relationship between software developers and management. It was assumed that Scrum would be used to promote more technical developer practices, which Scrum leaves unaddressed. DevOps not only works hand-in-glove with Scrum to fill in these missing gaps, it is more and more seen as an essential tool for Agile success.
Tiny DevOps episode #14 Ben Curtis — Incident response on a bootstrapped budget
Ben Curtis is one of the cofounders of Honeybadger.io, and in this episode we talk about the joys, and challenges, of managing infrastructure on a bootstrapped budget. Ben walks us through 9 years of history since Honeybadger.io's inception, to today, and offers concrete tips you can employ so you can take a holiday again!
Tiny DevOps episode #13 Molood Ceccarelli — The freedom of remote working
In this episode, I'm joined by remote work strategist and agile coach, Molood Ceccarelli, who helps unpack the reasons why remote work during the pandemic is different than "normal" remote work, and discuss techniques for making remote work more effective, flexible, and free!
Tiny DevOps episode #12 Luca Ingianni — Does DevOps make sense for embedded systems?
In this episode, Luca Ingianni helps me tackle the question: Does DevOps make sense for embedded systems software?
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Tiny DevOps episode #11 Mike Taber — Doing DevOps as a Single Founder
Mike Taber is the single founder of Bluetick.io, the SaaS which automates email follow-ups. In this episode, we talk about his life as the single Dev, single Ops, single Marketing, and single everything else in his company.
Tiny DevOps episode #10 Erik Dietrich — Avoiding the Trap of Expert Beginnerism
Erik Dietrich is the author of "The Expert Beginner", which expands on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition with the addition of the "Expert Beginner", one who stops learning, incorrectly believing they have achieved expert level.
Tiny DevOps episode #9 Miriam Tocino — Using stories for technical communication
Miriam Tocino is a children's book author and illustrator who focuses on teaching children a passion for technology. In this episode, we create a story together of the characters Zerus and Ona, as they explore how a voice message is sent through the cloud, to a friend.
Tiny DevOps episode #8 Amando Abreu — Automatic rollback & other listener questions
In this Q&A episode, guest co-host Amando Abreu and I answer listener questions about automatic rollback, how to prepare for an interview, and the meaning of life.