If it hurts, do it more
We natrually postpone painful experiences, but if we do them more often we're incentivized to reduce the pain.

What's the ideal ratio of devs to QAs?
Of course, as a consultant, I can confidently tell you: It depends!

Short-term alternatives to code freezes
Use a code freeze as a reminder that there are still quirks to be worked out, and make an effort to work them out.

How to handle long-running batch jobs during an upgrade
Two approaches to managing hours-long jobs with continuous deployment.

How to experiment with CD in a GitFlow environment
Can we experiment with continuous deployment without completely migrating away from GitFlow first? Here are a couple approaches.
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Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.

Don't deploy on payday!
Blocking deployments on certain days is an admission that standards are lower every other day.
Tiny DevOps episode #40 Stacy Cashmore — The painful crawl through the morass of past shortcuts
Stacy Cashmore has the interesting title of Tech Explorer DevOps at Omniplan, which means she has free reign to do what she thinks she needs to do! In this episode, we talk about a big rewrite decision she made, and the results of this decision, good and bad, and in particular the effect of shortcuts taken.

The store will be closed for software upgrade
In 2022, I can't think of any legitimate reason that a place of business should need to close for a software upgrade.

Introducing DORA the DevOps Engineer
How does your team do on these 4 key metrics identified as indicators of a highly-performing software team?