Talking Continuous Delivery on The Agile Embedded podcast
I join the Agile Embedded podcast to discuss continuous delivery, and how to implement it in reverse.
Who cares if we use GitFlow?
GitFlow vs Trunk-Based Development is like Coke vs. Pepsi, right? Not really.
When story points become irrelevant
If you work in small enough batches, you'll never care if your story is "worth" 8, 3, or 233 points.
Implementing Continuous Delivery in Reverse - ATVIE22
If you heard about Continuous Delivery you might find it sounds great, but you are not ready for it because [insert excuse here].
Isn't it wasteful to build after every commit?
Continuous delivery provides some very cheap insurance.
Stop starting and start finishing
Today I installed the door on some furniture I built a year ago. Reminds me of many user stories.
Subscribe to the Daily Commit
Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.
Which comes first? Manual testing or continuous delivery?
Does not feeling "ready" for CD mean that manual testing is a good alternative? Not really.
While we're here, we might as well...
Unlike in the physical world, few physical constraints prevent us from delivering software in small batches.
The Technologist Podcast #4: Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Go
Coach Denis interviews me about my mission to bring enterprise-class software delivery to small teams with small budgets.