Tiny DevOps episode #11 Mike Taber — Doing DevOps as a Single Founder
Mike Taber is the single founder of Bluetick.io, the SaaS which automates email follow-ups. In this episode, we talk about his life as the single Dev, single Ops, single Marketing, and single everything else in his company.

How can we make remote work more effective?
Its a "Remote-First" mindset, not flexible HR policies, that make or break remote work.

Is remote work doomed to failure?
I predict that within 5 years, a majority of companies with optional work-from-home policy will be migrating back to an in-person workforce. But hope is not lost for those who are intentional about building a remote-first workplace.

An unexpected benefit of short feedback loops
Practices that create shorter feedback loops help gamify the software creation process, and more frequent dopamine releases.
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What is the "units sold" metric for software teams?
Most software value can't be measure in "units sold". So how do we measure its value? Even the best metric can easily become a vanity metric if we lose sight of the business goal.

Do you have quiet working conditions?
As many of us begin to move back in offices, how can you ensure that you and your team can maintain this benefit, even if not in a physically isolated pace?

When scaling up looks like scaling down
By solving the problem of reducing communication overhead, we often also provide shorter feedback loops, and automate toil away.

How long should your résumé be?
What I think is more important than a résumé's length is that the first half of the first page tells me: What role are you looking for, and what level of experience do you have?
Tiny DevOps episode #10 Erik Dietrich — Avoiding the Trap of Expert Beginnerism
Erik Dietrich is the author of "The Expert Beginner", which expands on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition with the addition of the "Expert Beginner", one who stops learning, incorrectly believing they have achieved expert level.

Why Is DevOps Important? A Philosophical Look for 2021
DevOps is built on the timeless principle of cooperation. Whether the term remains, the concepts driving DevOps are here to stay. The only question is this: in what new ways will we apply these principles?

Should your builds run on autopilot?
Some projects obviously need automated builds. Others obviously don't. Where do you draw the line?