Retrospectives or postmortems?
If your team is open to it, by all means, start doing retrospectives. But if you sense resistance, here are some reasons to start with postmortems.

Where to start with DevOps
DevOps is a big topic, and simply knowning where to start can be a mystery. I have two suggestions for how you can start with DevOps today.

What we think works vs. what actually works
It feels like we're still in the folk-medicine days of IT, debating the efficacy of animal dung ointments and bloodletting with leeches. But one practice that's proven effective in improving software quality is code review.

Responding to “No code reviews by default”
Every team is different, but one thing is the same: all want to build the best product in the shortest time. There are different ways to achieve this.
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Tiny DevOps episode #12 Luca Ingianni — Does DevOps make sense for embedded systems?
In this episode, Luca Ingianni helps me tackle the question: Does DevOps make sense for embedded systems software?

When is a shortcut appropriate?
The only time less typing is more important than readability is on the command line. When writing code, readability wins by a mile.

Learning tacit knowledge is hard
You might hire a golf coach who watches you to discover your "bad habits", then convert them into explicit knowledge so they can be corrected. It's no different in business.

Tacit knowledge vs explicit knowledge
How much of what you do on a daily basis would you struggle to explain to someone as step-by-step instructions?

Reaction to Ably's viral blog post and subsequent outage
I've grown tired of the constant bickering about Kubernetes or no. But this article is more an informative case study in the viability of one alternative.

What is your inverse bus factor?
How many of your team members do you need to lose before your team can become productive?

What is your bus factor?
How many of your team members could you suddenly lose without jeopardizing your project?