Should you use git hooks to boost dev productivity?
What are best practices for using git hooks for developer productivity?
Tiny DevOps episode #29 Rob Walling — Does "DevOps" Matter to Investors?
Rob Walling, co-founder of the TinySeed accelerator for bootstrapped SaaS companies, joins me to discuss what investors and potential acquirers look for in the technology they're investing in.

What's the officially correct time to mark a user story "complete"?
User stories exist to serve you, not the other way around.

Why I don't like Jira
I believe Jira is responsible for more lost human productivity than any other software ever created. And yes, that's even when considering Windows Me!
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What makes an agile tool "good"?
The best tools offer two things: They make useful things easier, and unuseful things harder.
Adventures In DevOps 101: How to prepare for an interview
Jonathan talks about how he prepares for a tech interview, and offers insights from the point of view of a hiring manager as well.

Can a "feature factory" be "Agile"?
You may achieve technical excellence, but without a holistic agile approach, you may just be shipping technically excellent, but worthless features.
Tiny DevOps episode #28 Amando Abreu — Defining Confusing Terms
Amando Abreu joins me again, this time to discuss definitions of many of the confusing terms that abound in the industry of software development, Agile, and DevOps.

Dimensions of specialization
As your career progresses, you'll lkely want to niche down across more than one of these dimensions of specialization.

Should you call yourself "fullstack"?
The term "fullstack" propagates a commodity mindset that harms candidates.

How I became a CouchDB PMC member
I learned that contributing to open source can take many forms, and may not require writing code at all.