The importance of seeing red
My lazy brain sometimes tries to take TDD shortcuts. This always bites me in the rear end.

Observations after one year of daily emails
My daily list is now one year old. Here are some of my observations.
Adventures in DevOps 103: How to be a Digital Nomad
In this episode the panel discusses their experiences working and living remote. We cover how to generate leads, book clients, the “multiplier effect”, and the ONE reason you don’t need revolutionary ideas to find success.

How to get better at story slicing
How do you avoid days-long pull requests? How do you make your changes smaller?
Subscribe to the Daily Commit
Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.

How to switch from GitFlow to Trunk-Based Development
You've decided GitFlow is totally uncool. But what if you're already using it? How can you break the habit?
Tiny DevOps episode #30 Will Button — The Inside Scoop on Teaching DevOps
Will Button, co-host of the Adventures in DevOps podcast and DevOps "YouTuber" joins me to discuss his nascent DevOps media empire.

Why is organizational transformation so hard?
Most corporate leadership doesn't actually want an agile transformation. What they want is lip service to agile transformation.

Agile houses
We often contrast software to physical buildings--the idea that software is easy to change, whereas buildings are difficult to change. But is this really true?

Pick a methodology: Scrum, Kanban, XP, Lean or DevOps?
None of these items directly replaces or conflicts with any of the others. In fact, you can use them all simultaneously.

"Readability" is subjective
Ask yourself: Will the least experienced developer likely to read this code be able to understand it?
Adventures in DevOps 102: Dos and Don'ts of Blockchain
In this episode we discuss why NOW is the time to dig into blockchain, and how those in DevOps can approach these new technologies.