Adventures in DevOps 105: Serverless DevOps with Allen Helton
Ready to pull the plug and go serverless? Hold your horses. Allen Helton discusses pros and cons of serverless, and how to get started.

Reader Survey Responses: NPS vs Product Market Fit
I asked my readers to do an NPS _and_ Sean Ellis Product-Market Fit survey for my daily lists. Here are the results.
Tiny DevOps episode #32 Adrian Stanek — Think In Baby Steps
Adrian Stanek, of Bits in Motion, joins me to relate his success story of transforming his organization's software development process via baby steps.
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Just in time for Valentine's Day: The CUPID properties
SOLID, meet CUPID: 5 properties that make code joyful.

Why NPS isn't very useful: A look at the NPS of SAFe
Often criticized for its statistical silliness, I see that as the least silly part of NPS. Here I break down where I think NPS really fails, examining the recent "NPS of SAFe" article by Age of Product.

Work from the bottom up
When copying a test, make your changes from the bottom up, renaming the copied function as the last step.
Adventures in DevOps 104: CI/CD Tools for Dummies
The gang discusses the dos and don’ts of choosing CI/CD tools.
Tiny DevOps episode #31 Charles Max Wood — Level Up Your Career
Charles Max Wood is the founder of Top End Devs, a platform focused on teaching developers how to achive top 5% status in their chosen field, and in this episode we talk about what that means.

TDD ≠ Unit Tests
The unit of test in TDD is a behavior. That may correspond to a "unit." It often does not.