Don't deploy on payday!
Blocking deployments on certain days is an admission that standards are lower every other day.

The affect of comments in unclear code
Roses are red, violets are blue. Honey is sweet, and clear code is, too.
Adventures in DevOps 110: Building and Organizing DevOps Teams
The panel breaks down the process of building a "DevOps team".
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You are advised to arrive at the airport two hours before your flight
Why do we have to arrive so early for a flight? How would you reduce the wait times?
Tiny DevOps episode #40 Stacy Cashmore — The painful crawl through the morass of past shortcuts
Stacy Cashmore has the interesting title of Tech Explorer DevOps at Omniplan, which means she has free reign to do what she thinks she needs to do! In this episode, we talk about a big rewrite decision she made, and the results of this decision, good and bad, and in particular the effect of shortcuts taken.

The Theory of Constraints
Most processes are dominated by a single bottleneck. Focus your improvement efforts on that bottleneck for best results.

In-person management is sometimes like riding shotgun
While sitting in the front seat may make me feel I have more control, I really don't.

Gervais, meet Westrum
The Gervais Principle, as dark as it may be, only explains a mere 80% of organizations.

How trusting is your organization's culture?
Organizations that tend toward trusting cultures exhibit higher software delivery performance and higher levels of job satisfaction.

How to detect "real" programmers
New research suggests simple questions for basic technical screening.