Rose bushes and story points
Gardening with a 1-year old takes a lot longer. How should this affect our estimates?

When is software "done"?
"When will it be done?" they ask. "When can we stop paying developers to maintain this software?"

I just threw away a bunch of tests
I had failed to complete the "refactor" part of "red/green/refactor" several weeks ago, leaving me with some redundant tests that came back to bite me.

Database migration tips & tricks
A few "obvious" database migration tips that I've run into, that I guess may not always be so obvious.
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How to handle long-running batch jobs during an upgrade
Two approaches to managing hours-long jobs with continuous deployment.

How to experiment with CD in a GitFlow environment
Can we experiment with continuous deployment without completely migrating away from GitFlow first? Here are a couple approaches.

Mission: Impossile — Finding a Good Analogy
Not every company wants to hire a super star; also niching down can make you a star in your niche.

Does Tom Cruise still audition?
Asking Cruise to audition is likely a way to _not_ get him into your film. The same can be true for take-home coding challenges.