Which comes first? Manual testing or continuous delivery?
Does not feeling "ready" for CD mean that manual testing is a good alternative? Not really.

How can we trust automated tests in life-or-death scenarios?
Actually, how can we trust manual tests in high-stakes scenarios?

Why does it take so long?
Computers have advanced a lot since the 1960s. Yet, for many it still takes ages to get feedback. WHY?

Where do you find the confidence to release your software?
Think of the time you released software to production...

Which skill is more important: Testing, or debugging?
One of these skills, if you're good at it, diminishes the need for the other other.
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What's the ideal ratio of devs to QAs?
Of course, as a consultant, I can confidently tell you: It depends!

I just threw away a bunch of tests
I had failed to complete the "refactor" part of "red/green/refactor" several weeks ago, leaving me with some redundant tests that came back to bite me.
Adventures in DevOps 112: Building Code More Responsibly: A Mental Model Shift
A philosophical conversation around building code more responsibly and how ethics and accountability is to be integrated into the DevOps industry.

How to travel light
Software delivery is a lot like traveling. Less luggage makes for a better experience.