Coding Practices —1 min read
The mechanics of test-driven development

Red-Green-Refactor may describe the mechanics of TDD, but not its essence.

Coding Practices —2 min read
What's the relationship between TDD and Evolutionary Design?

TDD doesn't give you ED for free, it only makes it easier.

Coding Practices —1 min read
TDD is slower the same way a drop cloth makes you slower

Painting without a drop cloth may be faster, but the hours of clean up outweigh savings.

Coding Practices —3 min read
When I was a child, I understood as a child

Sooner or later, child-like understanding doesn't epxlain our lack of understanding.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Hair cuts and peekaboo

How often do you come across code that look completely superfluous? Like a towel to a toddler during a haircut.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Have unit tests ever saved you?

Three times unit tests saved me, in as many days.

Coding Practices —2 min read
How to convince someone to write "impossible" tests

"Next time you find an untestable component, bring it to me, and we'll write the test together."

Coding Practices —1 min read
Bad reasons for a rewrite

Don't rewrite because the code is confusing.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Junk drawer

Homes have junk drawers. Code has junk drawers. But they aren't the same.

Coding Practices —2 min read
Today I intentionally copied a bug

Guessing what code is meant to do is hard work.

Tech Tools —1 min read

Do you have a favorite remote pair programming tool?