Coding Practices —1 min read
Playing crash detective

I've been debugging some terse crashes lately.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Where's the crash?

How long does it take to identify the cause of a crash?

Coding Practices —27 min watch
Over or Under Rated: Code Writeability

Which is more important? Code readability, or writeability? Watch the debate!

Coding Practices —1 min read
Is it dry?

DRY doesn't necissarily mean less verbose.

Coding Practices —4 min read
How I respond to useless code

Why I chose the boyscout rule.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Useless code

How would you respond to useless code?

Coding Practices —1 min read
Maximum performance

There's no such thing as maximum performance.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Tests are like rumble strips

Only in failure do tests provide value.

Coding Practices —1 min read
What's the ideal project layout for a REST API?

REST is an implementation detail.

Coding Practices —2 min read
Throw it away!

Unused code the worst kind of technical debt. It's like paying interest on a loan after you've already declared bankruptcy.

Coding Practices —1 min read
Guess-Driven Development

When you don't know what's causing a bug, so you just make a bunch of random changes until it goes away.