Software Delivery —2 min read
Slow stable releases or fast unstable releases?

The real choice: Big pile of poo, or small, managable piles of poo?

Software Delivery —1 min read
Question to readers: What are the challenges of incremental software delivery?

What makes working on the single most important, small change you can do, a challenge?

Software Delivery —1 min read
Audience question: What will be delivered when?

How do you create a plan for a team as to what will be delivered when?

Software Delivery —1 min read
How my web site mirrors software delivery

Several software delivery principles are widely applicable, beyond the strict definition of "software".

Software Delivery —2 min read
Why continuous deployment is better for emergencies

Multi-stage software delivery means no hotfixes, or lots of extra work.

Software Delivery —1 min read
You don't always need to measure a metric to improve it

You don't need a dashboard until the difference you're trying to measure is too small to be casually obvious.

Software Delivery —1 min read
Why would you ever need to deploy new features multiple times per day?

That's not why we do CD. When using CD, large features are typically behind a feature flag.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Large batches obscure your bottlenecks

Are things moving slowly, but you don't know why? Reduce your batch size.

Software Delivery —52 min listen
Adventures in DevOps 120: DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) Metrics with Dave Mangot

Dave Mangot joins Adventures in DevOps to share how he leverages DORA metrics to improve technology organizations.

Software Delivery —2 min read
Can we use a staging environment with trunk-based development?

Push to your staging branch as needed, but don't make it a mandatory step toward production.

Software Delivery —3 min read
The problem with "DevOps" (and what happened to the podcast?)

Imagine telling your CEO, "What you need is some DevOps." How would that go?