Coding Practices —3 min read
What makes you think your tests are error-free?

Nothing. I don't have any confidence in my ability to write error-free tests.

Coding Practices —3 min read
TDD and throw-away code

If I had started with test-first approach, I would have saved half a day or so.

Coding Practices —1 min read
TDD provides focus

TDD helps me avoid mental rabit trails of nice-to-haves and performance improvements.

Coding Practices —2 min read
How I know when I'm done

When I work on a project that relies on manual verification, I'm never confident. I never feel sure of the work I'm doing.

Coding Practices —1 min read
But tests have to change when your code changes...

...which is often actually an asset.

Coding Practices —1 min read
TDD is slower the same way a drop cloth makes you slower

Painting without a drop cloth may be faster, but the hours of clean up outweigh savings.

Coding Practices —3 min read
Driving with your hands at 10 and 2

Maybe strict TDD isn't necessary for experts, but it's still useful to learn.

Coding Practices —2 min read
It's the granularity that matters

It's not the red/green/refactor cycle. The important thing is working in short test/code or code/test cycles.

Agile Principles —2 min read
Air bags vs statistics

An airbag broke my arm. BDUF would have saved time. Test-first wasted effort. Should abandon these?

Software Delivery —2 min read
Test-Driven CI pipelines

Test-Driven doesn't only apply to normal code.

Quality Engineering —2 min read
Which skill is more important: Testing, or debugging?

One of these skills, if you're good at it, diminishes the need for the other other.