Agile isn't a religion
Agile isn't a religion. The Manifesto isn't scripture. Let's not treat them as such.

Work as if your team is quitting
Nobody stays at a job for ever. Be prepared for your colleages to leave.

Are retrospectives required?
You don't need to have a retrospective meeting. But you do need to retrospect!

Minimum viable agility
Don't waste time re-inventing the agile wheel for every new team. Choose a minimum viable agility.
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Why "Agile Scrum" is an oxymoron
Whether you choose Scrum, Kanban, Lean or any other framework, if you only do that, you're not being agile.

Is your agile framework working?
No matter how many Post-its or other artifacts you produce, if you're not producing working software, you're not agile.

Is it really possible to scale agile?
Agile, like family, cannot be scaled. But we can allow for it at scale.

The Twelve-Factor App
The twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps

Product Management vs. Product Ownership
Regardless whether someone belongs to the PO or PM school, they seem to have exactly the same complaints about the other.

What is the value of "code quality"?
Does "code quality" actually mean anything to a business? It sure can!

Should we use microservices?
How should you decide when to use a microservices architecture or a monolithic architecture?