How would you improve velocity on a team you're working with?
The first thing I would do is stop measuring velocity.
Adventures In DevOps 100: DevOps 100
Jillian, Jonathan, Shimon, Will, and Chuck discuss the history of the show, their favorite episodes, and what they think is coming in 2022.

An easy way to contribute to open source
Next time you're learning a new open source tool, consider submitting doc fixes as you see errors.

My first accepted pull request
Have you ever contributed to open-source software? You should. It's easy.
Subscribe to the Daily Commit
Every day I write about improving software delivery at small companies like yours. Don't miss out! I will respect your inbox, and honor my privacy policy.Unsure? Browse the archive.
Tiny DevOps episode #27 Steve Wells — Using Games and Simulations for Agile Education
Steve Wells talks about his platform for Agile games and simulations, and how they can be used to illustrate complex Agile concepts, such as inter-team dependencies, in easier to digest ways.

No, writing HTML is not programming. But watering your lawn is.
Writing HTML doesn't meet the definition of programming. But you'll be surprised at what does!

Do you enjoy finding bugs?
Rather than seeing code review, or QA, as a gatekeeping process, let's frame it as an opportunity to elevate the output of the entire team.

A DevOps simulation with toothpicks
This 15-minute exercise demonstrates the silos problem DevOps aims to solve, and serves as a great conversation starter.

But we REALLY need TODO comments!
Enhance discoverability, and reduce comment rot by making sure every TODO comment references an issue number.

Why "Consider refactoring this" comments are silly
Code is always subject to refactoring when the need arises. Adding a comment to that effect is just noise.

TODO: Add an intriguing title
TODO comments are everywhere. And they're usually ignored. So just stop creating them.