Tiny DevOps episode #34 Lynn Thames — What do software development and manufacturing have in common? Agility.
Lynn Thames' business Excel Software Services, helps manufacturing and distribution companies with software automation. She joins me to help answer the question: What does software development have in common with manufacturing? Her answer: Agility.

How do I keep my devs busy while waiting on code review?
Don't worry about devs not having enough work. Worry on flow through the system.

Refactoring Revisited
Many people don't understand refactoring, and this leads to several anti-patterns.

The Dangers of Fatal Logging
log.Fatal violates the Single Responsibility Principle in insidious ways. Never use it!

Refactoring itself is worthless
Why refactoring doesn't, and shouldn't provide direct business value

Why Your Business Should Care About Small Batches
5 ways smaller software releases can impact your business

How do you respond to uncertainty?
If we're in the business of developing software, we're going to face uncertainty. Are you able and willing to embrace this?
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Tiny DevOps episode #33 Emily Omier — How to "sell" open-source
Does your company produce open-source software? Are you considering doing so? Emily Omier helps open-source startups with product positioning, and today she joins me to discuss how you can position your open-source project, if you have one, and help you decide if you should have one.

Take the blue pill, the story ends
The one question that lies at the heart of the "big A Agile" vs "little a agile" debate.

Software development is inherently unpredictable
Software development isn't unpredictable because of unknown external influences. It's unpredictable because it's very nature is that of discovery.