Why does it take so long?
Computers have advanced a lot since the 1960s. Yet, for many it still takes ages to get feedback. WHY?

Reader response: Feature flags as an enabler for trunk-based development
Feature flags are often misunderstood to be for front ends only. It is very possible to put all development behind a flag.

All programming is UI programming
Whethere you're building a mobile app, a CLI tool, a REST API, or an SDK, you're building a UI, and you should consider the user of your code.

Reader response: The downward spiral of manual acceptance testing
Lack of unit testing drives the need for manual testing. Since testing is bunched up, development is as well.
Adventures in DevOps 124: The Intersection of Data and DevOps
How can DevOps work with data and reporting?

Reader response: The power of teamwork
Pair/mob programming is more efficient for creating small, deliverable changes. But somehow, project managers don't seem to like it.

Slow stable releases or fast unstable releases?
The real choice: Big pile of poo, or small, managable piles of poo?
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Question to readers: What are the challenges of incremental software delivery?
What makes working on the single most important, small change you can do, a challenge?

Audience question: What will be delivered when?
How do you create a plan for a team as to what will be delivered when?

Debug logs are a code smell
Most debug logs are cruft, left over from a long-forgotten debugging session.