Adventures in DevOps 126: Personal Branding as an Engineer
The importance of personal branding as an engineer, plus tactical strategies you can implement today.

When "Working software" is NOT a good measure of progress
Software is like surgery. Nobody wants surgery.

Is "Working software" really the primary measure of progress?
If the goal is to uncover better ways of developing software then, well, yeah.

Do you monitor deployments?
I've seen a broken deployment go unnoticed for several hours before being fixed. No more!

The biggest challenges of incremental software delivery
Incremental/iterative software development challenges many of our deeply-ingrained assumptions about efficiency and control.
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Why "Plans are worthless, but planning is everything" is (usually) BS
I'd rather see a conversation about planning, rather than ending debate with a cheap quip.
Adventures in DevOps 125: The Pull Request Paradox with Yishai Beeri
Yishai Beeri of LinearB discusses strategies to improve flow of PRs and code review with smarter tooling.

Stupid config trick: Passwords as URLs
How can we unambiguously represent a password safely for shell, YAML, JSON, etc, and also know if it needs to be unescaped?